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Rotero launches the JVL linear stepper motor

As JVL’s official representative, Rotero in Woerden is proud to present the linear stepper motor NEMA23/24 now available with a variety of screw options: ball screw, lead screw and captive screw. This makes the motors cheaper and more compact which, naturally, yields a number of benefits for machine manufacturers. The number of possible errors has also been reduced due to the removal of couplings and other mechanical components. Another new feature of this motor is the brake which has been fixed to the back and which is now an integrated part of it.

Linear stepper motorJVL’s linear stepper motors provide a substantial contribution to cutting costs and limiting the installation space required. No further assembly work is required due to the removal of the couplings and ball bearings. Furthermore, the limited amount of components helps reduce the chance of any errors or malfunctions and greatly simplifies maintenance. No linear propulsion is required for applications which require only a small amount of force. 

A variety of different screws

The linear stepper motor with protection class NEMA23 and NEMA 24 have recently been made available with a variety of different screws. Users can opt for a ball screw, lead screw or a captive screw (a confined screw / option which prevents the screw from turning with the appliance). This allows user to achieve a cheaper and more compact solution depending on the desired use. The wide range of spindle heights available mean that resolutions of up to approximately 0.0015 mm can be achieved. 

Integrated brake

In addition to these new versions, an integrated brake has also been fitted to the back. The removal of the brake cable to the IO connector improves the brake function. The quality is better and the connectivity is better too. The risk of the axis slipping is zero and alignment issues have been resolved. Eliminating the cable also lowers the cost. 

The combination of the motor including the brake and plastic brake cover can be executed to IP65 standards. 


The liner motors come with a variety of axis and stroke lengths. Furthermore, they also come with a bolt which is unique due to its design and the materials used. Both factors contribute to a longer service life. 

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Would you like more information? Contact us directly using the contact form, or call: +31 (0)348 495 172 (NL) or +32 (0)15 451 840. We would be pleased to help you find the best solution!

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