
Rotero Holding

The strength of the group

Rotero Holland and Rotero Belgium are members of Rotero Holding – a group of 5 independent business units, each with its own special expertise, product range and customers. This means we can draw on an exceptional pool of expertise and know-how across the group for the benefit of our customers. Every day, more than 50 highly enthusiastic and qualified persons across the Rotero group are working to achieve a common goal: the best solution for the customer. 

 Holding comprises:

Rotero Holland and Rotero Belgium are specialized in the supply and support of motion control solutions. They are also the sole distributors in the Benelux for DIS Sensors. DIS Sensors is dedicated to the development, production and marketing of sensors, plus associated controls and electronics. Q-Tec is specialized in the design, development and production of mechatronic solutions, primarily for the medical sector.

The individual companies in the group frequently cooperate to develop solutions for customers. 

Rotero Holding 


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Rotero Belgium   Rotero Holland
Wayenborgstraat 10   Pompmolenlaan 21      
2800 Mechelen   3447 GK Woerden
Belgium    The Netherlands
T: +32 (0)15 451 840   T: +31 (0)348 495 150
E:   E:
VAT: BE0433082828   VAT: NL008174210B01
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Rotero is part of Rotero Holding