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Product of the month - July

Each month, you can find “the product of the month” here. This product may be completely new, complementing an existing range or a product that just deserves some extra attention. The product of the month of July is: 

Fandis Sensis climate control system for control boxes

Servomech actuator

The launch of the Sensis climate control system by Fandis introduces a product which measures both the temperature and the relative humidity in control boxes. These values are compared to the preset minima and maxima. This information is then related to the ambient temperature. The heating and/or ventilator will be controlled using this information. An alarm will be issued if the pre-set values are exceeded due a failure of the heating or ventilation system. This helps to prevent disruptions and unexpected standstills, and it helps create a log of historical data for optimisation purposes, the planning of preventative maintenance and provides insight into the functioning of the machinery as a whole.

The climate control system’s characteristics

  • Uses an ARM microcontroller
  • Integrated temperature and RV sensor
  • 24 VDC power supply
  • Two additional temperature sensors can be connected
  • 1 digital input
  • 2 relay exits
  • Minima and maxima can be set
  • Temperature sensor: (programmable) difference +/- 1K, measurement range 1.5 m
  • RV sensor: (programmable) difference: +/- 2%
  • Communication via RS485, ProfiNet, Modbus RTU, EtherNet/IP


Can be used with all control boxes in (industrialised) environments where ventilation or heating has been used to optimise the climate of the control box

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